Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Final budget addresses North Country priorities

Includes measures pushed by Assemblywoman Russell

            Assemblywoman Addie J. Russell (D-Theresa) announced that the state budget for SFY 2014-15 included several provisions based on pieces of legislation she authored addressing North Country priorities. The budget contains additional infrastructure funding, language authorizing the transfer of land from the St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, measures to expand piggybacking on purchasing contracts between local entities and privacy protections for farmers, all of which Assemblywoman Russell fought to have included in the budget.

            The state budget includes $40 million in additional funding for the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) for the purpose of aiding municipalities impacted by extreme winter weather. Earlier this year, Assemblywoman Russell sent a letter to the Speaker explaining that the exceptionally hard winter this year placed an extraordinary strain on municipal budgets, and that large expenditures on snow and ice mitigation depleted municipal funds, leaving little revenue for the rest of the year.

            “Damage from this year’s extreme winter weather is not only a nuisance but a public safety hazard,” Assemblywoman Russell said. “Without help from the state, local governments simply will not have the resources to make the critical investments in infrastructure that keep our roads safe and commerce moving.”

            To help municipalities reduce costs and operate more efficiently, Assemblywoman Russell fought to have legislation she authored to expand municipalities’ ability to share in purchasing contracts included in the final budget. The legislation builds on previous legislation authored by Assemblywoman Russell by allowing cooperative purchasing between local governments and federal, state or local governments elsewhere in the United States. The measure also allows other types of government entities to participate in purchasing contracts.

            “Local governments in the North Country have been leading the way in working together to increase efficiency and this legislation is just another tool in the toolbox of local officials so they can cut costs and lower taxes,” Assemblywoman Russell said.

            The budget also included language authored by Assemblywoman Russell authorizing the transfer of state land located on the St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center campus to the City of Ogdensburg.

            “There are several pieces of valuable land that can be added back on to the tax rolls and help spur economic development rather than sitting unused,” Assemblywoman Russell said.
“This builds on the hard work and success that the Ogdensburg community achieved in saving the Psych Center and will transform underutilized land into major community assets that can help revitalize the North Country's economy.”

            Additionally the budget included a measure to provide basic protections to farmers who voluntarily provide information to the New York State Cattle Health Assurance Program (NYSCHAP).

The program assists dairy and beef producers in implementing best management practices to help ensure public health and animal health as well as food safety and consumer confidence in the dairy and beef products.

North Country farmers want to adopt best practices that ensure the safety of consumers and their animals but need to be provided privacy protections to avoid potential lawsuits that could cripple their businesses, Assemblywoman Russell noted.
