“Today is a great day for the North
Country as we learned that Governor Cuomo has decided
to keep the St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center open. The hard work of the
St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center Task Force and of families and employees of the
Center are to be commended for their tireless work in making a strong case to
the administration that the Center should remain open to provide vital services
to the North Country
community. In fact, the Governor has named it a new Regional Center of
Excellence, which is indicative of its need for our area. I want to thank
the members of the Task Force, families, patients, employees, and my fellow
colleagues in the Legislature for coming together in unison to help paint the
picture of the Center's value and necessity. I would also like to personally
thank Governor Cuomo for his leadership and effort in keeping the Center open
and designating it as a Regional Center of Excellence.”