“Our grandparents used to call this day Decoration Day. In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson changed the name to Memorial Day. But the meaning is the same. This day honors the men and women who died in service to the United States of America wearing the various uniforms of our country. But the meaning is truly deeper than simply honoring those who have passed. Memorial Day is about all Americans coming together for reconciliation. We reconcile the divisions that have faced us. Those that have made the ultimate sacrifice are diverse, from many races, religions and cultures but they are all Americans. We honor those who gave their all so that we are able to gather today.”
“Currently we observe Memorial Day on the Monday following the last weekend in May. Originally, in 1868, the observance of Decoration Day was called for May 30th. In 2011 the date is again May 30th. Therefore, let us take the opportunity of that coincidence to reflect on generation after generation of soldiers that have died so that we may enjoy the freedom and liberty that is America.”