Assemblywoman Addie A.E. Jenne says she is very interested in a proposal the governor announced Tuesday morning calling for free tuition to SUNY and CUNY students whose families make less than $125,000 a year.
"I am eager to learn more about the details in the governor's proposal. Affordable higher education is something I have fought hard to ensure North Country families can access." she said.
"I have always supported funding SUNY appropriately and worked with my colleagues in the assembly to hold the line on tuition increases to help keep college affordable. An income limit of $125,000 per year has the potential to be a game changer for many North Country families that struggle with the affordability of higher education," Assemblywoman Jenne, formerly known as Assemblywoman Russell, pointed out.
She said she is interested in other budget priorities the governor will lay out in his proposed 2017-18 budget.
"This is an important step, but it will have to be evaluated with the other spending priorities the governor unveils in the coming days and weeks. I have been a long-time supporter of public education and am hopeful he will choose to make equitable funding of all public schools in New York State another budget priority this year," Assemblywoman Jenne said.
"For far too long in this state, schools in districts with high property wealth have been able to offer their students far more educational opportunities than students coming from low-wealth districts," she added.
"Much like offering free tuition to SUNY students, we also need to make sure our elementary and secondary public schools receive equitable funding. We know that providing a trained workforce that can afford to live and work in New York is the best investment we can make," Assemblywoman Jenne stressed.